CRYENGINE 3.8.5 Released
CRYENGINE 3.8.5 Released

CRYENGINE 3.8.5 Released

Bugfixes! Bugifixes! More bugfixes!

CRYENGINE 3.8.5 is here and with this update we’re all about bug fixes and tweaks. In fact, over 80 of them. Highlights below, and you can check out the full list here.

  • New: (FlowGraph) Add color picker widget for Debug:Draw nodes.
  • Fixed: Stripe-artifacts appear on very dense FogVolume.
  • Fixed: Roads, rivers and distance clouds being exported to game when on a 'No Export' layer.
  • Fixed: Prevent crash when hitting Tab in main menu after multiplayer game.
  • Fixed: Crash when loading a new level while having a fragment opened in the Mannequin Editor.
  • Fixed: Crash in the animation command buffer - related to a race condition occurring on a frame-local memory allocation call.
  • Fixed: Blendshapes not appearing when creating a character.
  • Tweaked: Do not allow object names containing '%' as they can crash the Sandbox.

As ever, if you have any questions or feedback let us know in the forums. Thanks for reading!

All the best,