CSharp fix - include DLLs in .csproj

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Language Python
Category/Type Utility
Version number 5.7.1
Zipped size 22.88KB
Unzipped size 22.88KB
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Edited script crytek\cryengine-57-lts\5.7.1\Tools\CryVersionSelector\crysolutiongenerator.py, where code was added to connect dll libraries, config, props and targets files to .csproj when placed in the My Project/Code/My Plugin/ folder, where the .csproj file is located.

When manually generating a solution.

  • .config files, if they are in the .csproj location folder, will be indicated in the <None Include="*.config" /> tag
  • .dll files, if they are in the .csproj folder and other child folders except obj, crycontent - will be indicated in the <Reference Include="*"><HintPath>*.dll</HintPath><Private>False</Private>< tag /reference>. And if you add the prefix "cry." to the beginning of the .dll name, then there will be a <Reference Include="*" /> tag
  • Files with any extension (including their folders) that need to be copied after compilation to the "bin/" folder should be placed in the crycontent folder, and the "crycontent" folder in the .csproj location folder.
  • The .props files, if present in the folder containing .csproj and other child folders other than obj, will be indicated in the <Import Project="*.props" Condition="Exists('*.props')" /> tag at the top of .csproj.
  • The .targets files, if present in the .csproj folder and other child folders other than obj, will be listed in the <Import Project="*.targets" Condition="Exists('*.targets')" /> tag at the bottom of the .csproj.


November 28, 2022

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