Why developers choose CRYENGINE - Part 3
Why developers choose CRYENGINE - Part 3

Why developers choose CRYENGINE - Part 3

Developers around the world share their reasons for choosing CRYENGINE.

Qlaud Yoshida, Resonance Gamez

“We chose CRYENGINE because it was the most suitable engine to achieve an RPG with a realistic appearance. It creates a wonderful world because of its excellent, beautiful rendering! We get very good results thanks to the lighting system. The sophisticated Schematyc system helps to connect level and game designers with programmers and Wavicle is very good. It brings a lot of magic to our RPG efficiently. My current favorite function is the Particle Editor which will help us make plenty of unique magic!”

Andrey, developer of Aurayama

“So many features have made the difference for us! The CRYENGINE rendering and graphics, illumination, level creation system, viewport navigation and user interface, flow graph editor, trackview editor, material editor and shaders, AI system, asset creation pipeline, particle effect editor.. the list goes on!”

Bruno Willian Reise, creator of Lendas

“SVOGI is the resource that is the most amazing for me. I am a lighting artist so this feature has become extremely useful. The quality of the images is astonishing, almost surreal. Volumetric Fog is one of the best features of CRYENGINE. I like to mix several colors to make an image flashier and I use Volumetric Fog in most of my scenes.

“When CRYENGINE V was released, Volumetric Clouds was the feature that really grabbed my attention. I always wanted this function in the editor. I am currently combining all the features I have mentioned in my game and I’m getting really incredible results, even at this early stage of development.”

What was your reason for choosing CRYENGINE? Let us know in the comments, Discord, on the forum, or via Facebook, and Twitter.