Breeze, a 3rd person platformer (5.6, C++)

Tutorial assets

The tutorial asset pack is free and contains all the assets used in the tutorials. Any assets you need to complete a tutorial will be listed on the page.

Download tutorial assets
Version 8 (396.78MB)

This livestream tutorial series covers how to build a third person platformer game in a low-poly style using CRYENGINE 5.6, taught by a team of experts across several disciplines. The 15-episode course covers prototyping, level design, setting up a custom player character with a controller, animations, blend spaces, and input controls using C++; lighting, environment art, audio, game mechanics, particle effects, debugging, and  even marketing your finished game!

YouTube Channel

All video tutorials are available on the CRYENGINE YouTube channel.

Documentation tutorials

Further tutorial content can be found on our Documentation pages.


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Asset database

A wide range of assets, ready to use in your CRYENGINE projects.